Aside from the fact that I start countless things. I do not know, is this spring fever? Concentration and motivation at the moment is terribly difficult for me. But there is enthusiasm for everything and I usually start with new projects immediately. I believe that is the overstimulation through the internet. One great idea after the other and I want to do everything. My UFO's (UnFinished Object) could even start their own city. I really must get this under control. Gardening season starts soon, so I will have even less time. Have you ever given up UFO's, throw it in the garbage can, made something else out of it?
March 1, 2012
My Creative Space - Was ich gerade mache
Aside from the fact that I start countless things. I do not know, is this spring fever? Concentration and motivation at the moment is terribly difficult for me. But there is enthusiasm for everything and I usually start with new projects immediately. I believe that is the overstimulation through the internet. One great idea after the other and I want to do everything. My UFO's (UnFinished Object) could even start their own city. I really must get this under control. Gardening season starts soon, so I will have even less time. Have you ever given up UFO's, throw it in the garbage can, made something else out of it?
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I hear you. I am the queen of UFO's. Starts off so much fun, hit a hurdle and then it goes straight into the UFO box where it stays :)
ReplyDeleteHa Ha! Don't throw out those UFOS - I keep that kind of thing for years! I had a pair of my husbands shorts in my 'to be fixed' pile for 3 years! When I finally got round to fixing the zip - he'd lost weight and the shorts no longer fitted him!!! He still wore them with a tight belt!!! :)
ReplyDeleteOooooooh ja!!! UFO in die Tonne - habe ich auch schon mal gemacht... allerdings JAHRE NACH BEGINN DES UFOs!!! Was soll's? Ich versuche einen Mittelweg zu finden... vieles probieren und machen, weil es einfach Spaß macht und andererseits auch mal eine halbe Stunde für etwas "opfern", was nicht so prickelnd ist...
ReplyDeleteDu siehst, du stehst nicht allein!!!
Ganz liebe Grüße,
I have experiences like this too but try to focus on one at a time. This can be very difficult so I completely understand your struggle! It is a good idea to hold onto UFOs until you have the inspiration to finish them. :)
ReplyDeleteI never throw anything out, but I have taken apart many projects and started all over. Hang on to your unfinished projects, you never know what they could be in the future.
Everyday Inspired