October 8, 2009

Get Some Spirituality In Our Everyday Life

Some find it when drinking tea, cleaning bathrooms or windows, baking cookies, doing yoga, but I find my little bit spirituality when sitting on the riding mower. I have time to think or not to think, I can hear nothing (because the mower is very loud), nobody can talk to me, nobody disturbes me. It is my time alone with me. At least one valuable hour. Even my little daughter leaves me alone. The only thing I have to pay attention are the molehills and low-lying branches. On the mower I have my best ideas, my mind spreads, I can hear the universe. Isn't that the coolest thing!

Enjoy life!

Have a nice day!


  1. I probably need to find a bit of time and a place for introspection, I have been quite irritable lately, and I cant really think of anything I do really on my own.

  2. We all find spirituality is different places. Your picture made me laugh. I've been trying to understand my own spiritual journey so began reading a book called "Decoding The Spiritual Messages of Everyday Life" by Dr. Paul DeBell. It's an amazing book that combines spirituality and psychology to help us overcome challenges and become more perceptive, creative, and fulfilled in our everyday life.

  3. Thank you for your comments and for Bettys book tip.


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