February 17, 2010

View Onto The Garden - Blick in den Garten

Well, it doesn't look very much like spring at all, does it? This is our little summer house in the garden. It is over 100 years old and there is a half moon on the roof, it is a remembrance of the devastations through the Ottoman Empire in the year 1529. In this year was the Siege of Vienna and our village is south of Vienna.

View Onto The Garden - Blick in den Garten

Nach Frühling schaut es leider noch gar nicht aus. Das ist unser kleiner Gartenpavillon. Er ist über 100 Jahre alt und windschief. Auf der Fahnenspitze prangt ein türkischer Halbmond, der an die Verwüstungen durch das Osmanische Heer im Jahre 1529 erinnert. In diesem Jahr fand die Erste Wiener Türkenbelagerung statt und unser Ort liegt südlich von Wien.

Have a nice day!


  1. I just found your Blog through Daisyfleur. We are the same with snow here in Belgium, oh I dream of Spring flowers! Love the Bunnies you make. Catherine x

  2. Same for here.... But maybe we don't have mosqitos this summer? So, every cold has something good!

  3. so much snow! what a pretty picture :)

    I found your blog through the Etsy forums and just wanted to say hi and that your blog is lovely! Have a beautiful weekend!

    xo, Katie

  4. I wish i had that Summer house! x

  5. wow, wonderful and I bet its so pretty all in bloom! Love this pic. LA


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