June 23, 2023

Mohnblumen - Poppies

Letztes Jahr habe ich in den freien Stellen meines Beetes eine Wiesenblumensamenmischung gestreut und viele wunderschöne bunte Blumen wuchsen. Dieses Jahr wollte ich sehen, was sich ausgesamt hat und so wie es aussieht, vor allem die Mohnblumen. So schön, ich kann mich gar nicht satt sehen. 

Mohnblumen - Poppies
Klatschmohn - Papaver rhoeas - Poppy

Last year I sprinkled a meadow flower seed mixture in the vacancies of my flower bed and many beautiful colorful flowers grew. This year I wanted to see if there are still flowers will sprout this year and it turned out pretty good, especially the poppies. So beautiful, I can't get enough of looking at it. 

Mohnblumen - Poppies


Hermann Löns (1866-1914)

Mit roten Feldmohnblumen
Hatt’ ich dein Haar geschmückt,
Die roten Blumenblätter
Die sind nun alle zerdrückt.

Du bist zu mir gekommen
Beim Abendsonnenschein,
Und als die Nacht hereinbrach,
Da ließest du mich allein.

Ich höre die Stille rauschen
Und sehe die Dunkelheit sprühn,
Vor meinen träumenden Augen
Purpurne Mohnblumen blühn.

Mohnblumen - Poppies
Klatschmohn - Papaver rhoeas - Poppy

Rondeau for June

by Mike Samford

It's June, my fields of Poppies grow
Covering weeds and grass, and so
To fill my eye with colors as such
It gives to the heart a sudden rush.
Waving as His wind will blow.
In June we see the sunset glow
We see the heat in wavy rows
We swim and fish and play so much
It's June.

Baseball games we love to go
All the grass we hate to mow
In the evening falls a hush.
In June we feel our lovers touch
In our heart we forever know,
It's June. 

Mohnblumen - Poppies

Verlinkt bei:  My Corner of the World, Good Random FunPieni LintuImage-in-ingThrough my LensGartenglück Linkparty, Jaipur Garden

Have a nice day!


  1. Your poppies are gorgeous.
    And I love the poems.

    Hugs and blessings

  2. The poem you chose describes June so well, and the poppies in your garden are beautiful and bring much happiness. Thank you for your kind comment on my blog.

  3. Replies
    1. Hi Carol! Thank you. Roses and Poppies are the highlights of my June garden.

  4. Thank you. I haven't seen them here. They are so beautiful

    1. Hi Aritha! Never had so many of them in my flower bed.

  5. Poppies are beautiful, there is no better glance than array of poppies. Thanks for sharing with Garden Affair.

    1. Thanks for providing your lovely link party :)


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