I'll give it a try! Recently I remembered that I wanted to do the Sky Scarf (knit every day two rows in the color of the sky) already last year. I missed the first few days of this year but together with my husband we have reconstructed the weather of the missing days. Always at 12 clock or around noon I look to the sky and knit the weather. Well, and as you can see, the weather was not great so far. I have also decided to take a different pattern than in the original. I use only wool odds and ends though I have ordered for the really beautiful summer sky light and medium blue wool. I've just figured out that the scarf will be about 3 meter (3,28 yd/9,84 ft) long. Great! Who wants to join in?
January 13, 2013
Longtermproject - Langzeitprojekt
I'll give it a try! Recently I remembered that I wanted to do the Sky Scarf (knit every day two rows in the color of the sky) already last year. I missed the first few days of this year but together with my husband we have reconstructed the weather of the missing days. Always at 12 clock or around noon I look to the sky and knit the weather. Well, and as you can see, the weather was not great so far. I have also decided to take a different pattern than in the original. I use only wool odds and ends though I have ordered for the really beautiful summer sky light and medium blue wool. I've just figured out that the scarf will be about 3 meter (3,28 yd/9,84 ft) long. Great! Who wants to join in?
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Häkeln und Stricken - dass sind wirklich nicht meine Stärken ;-) Aber ich glaube der Schal wird toll :-))
ReplyDeleteDank für deinen lieben Kommentar :-)
This is a cool idea Petra! I love the concept of the weather determining how the piece comes out!
ReplyDeleteAhhh, ich glaube, du hast die falsche Frage gestellt. Hättest eher fragen müssen: "Wer lässt mit mir da einwickeln?"
ReplyDelete-hi, hi-
3 Meter - unglaublich! Dafür braucht man ja `nen Giraffenhals, aber ein tolles Projekt wird es trotzdem!
Schon jetzt gefällt mir das Muster und die Winterfarben. Bin gespannt, wenn es im Sommer in Gelb/Orange übergeht und ob du durchhältst...
Viel Spaß dabei!
Liebe Grüße aus dem frostigen Erzgebirge
Das Muster sieht schon mal toll aus!
ReplyDeleteIch wünsch Dir einen guten Start in eine schöne neue Woche!
♥ Allerliebste Grüße Claudia ♥
Das Muster ist toll!
ReplyDeleteYou are off to a great start!!
ReplyDeleteeine geniale Idee!!! Es ist zwar schon der 1.Februar, aber den letzten Monat gucke ich einfach bei Dir ab: ich beginne also heute!
LG, Heike