March 30, 2024

12tel Blick 2024 - März

Schön langsam breitet sich das Grün aus. Und immer noch stimmen die Winkel im Bild nicht ganz, aber ich habe beschlossen, dass mich das nicht mehr stört.

12tel Blick 2024 - März

The green is slowly spreading. And the angles in the picture are still not quite right, but I've decided that doesn't bother me anymore. 

12tel Blick 2024 - März

Im Garten passierte im März eine Menge. Es war ungewöhlich warm und Triebe und Blüten zeigten sich einen Monat früher als sonst. Mich freute es, muss man nicht solange auf den Frühling warten. Durch die Wärme und wenig Regen blühte die Magnolie prächtig und in den Beeten regten sich die Blumen. In meine Bassena pflanzte ich diesmal Schokominze und Marokkanische Teeminze. 

Mein Garten im März 2024 - My yard/garden in March 2024
Narzisse - Magnolie - Felsenbirne - Minze - Hyazinthen
Daffodil - Magnolia - Juneberry - Mint - Hyacinths

A lot happened in my yard in March. It was unusually warm and shoots and flowers appeared a month earlier than usual. I was happy because you don't have to wait so long for spring. Thanks to the warmth and little rain, the magnolia blossomed magnificently and the flowers in the beds came alive. This time I planted Chocolate mint and Moroccan tea mint in my basin. 

Blick 1 Süd-Westen - View 1 south-west

What is this photoproject about? 12 times a year, so every month, you take a picture from the very same place with the exactly same view and can then document this way the changes over the year. If you put the pictures together in a collage, that looks very intriguing. The hostess of this link party is Eva and her blog verfuchstundzugenäht. She collects every month the pictures and you can look at the other participants. Very exciting! 

You can watch the picture collections at verfuchstundzugenäht. Have a look :) 

Blick 2 Nord-Osten - View 2 north-east

Verlinkt bei: 12telBlickGartenglück Linkparty, Jaipur GardenMy Corner of the World, Good Random Fun, Through my Lens, Image-in-ing

Have a nice day! 


  1. So pretty - love the magnolia blooms especially.
    Thanks for sharing at!

    1. Hi Sue! I can only recommend a magnolia to everyone who has a garden. It blooms fantastically early in the year and then has large, light green leaves. A very decorative tree.

  2. Your garden is enchanting! The early magnolia blooms are breathtaking, and the Chocolate mint and Moroccan tea mint must add a delightful fragrance. The 12tel Blick project is a wonderful way to document the changing seasons. Thank you for sharing your slice of nature with us. Wishing you continued joy in your garden!

    1. Hi Veronica! I love every part of a magnolia tree. It is gorgeous.

  3. Der Wasserstand wird immer weniger habe ich das Gefühl. Dafür blüht es immer mehr im Garten.
    L G Pia

  4. Spring is coming earlier here as well, but you are further ahead in spring.

    1. We have had summer temperatures for a few days now. I like it but it is very unusual.

  5. Das stört auch wirklich gar nicht, deine Winkel! Ich finde du triffst das recht gut!

  6. I loved all of your blooms especially Magnolia, Thanks for sharing with Garden Affair.


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